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시민과 함께 세계로 뻗어가는 '글로벌도시 평택' 구현

Expand to the world with citizens to become 'Global City Pyeongtaek'

  • Introduction
  • Mission



Expanding to the world with citizens to become 'Global City Pyeongtaek'
A Leading Public Diplomacy Institution for 'Global City Pyeongtaek'
Core values : Professionalism and Communication, Responsibility and Flecibility, Global Mindset, Respect for Diversity
					Strategic Goals : A Hub of the ROK-US Alliance, Citizen-led International Exchange, Global City Building, English Specialized City
					Trategic Tasks(12) : Becoming the central organization for ROK-US public diplomacy / Tailoring Projects to Meet the Needs of Citizens and USFK / Enhancing local communities through contributions to the economic and tourism sectors, Strengthening overseas exchange and cooperation in accordance with City's policy / Expanding citizen-led international exchange and public diplomacy / Broadening the scope of international cooperation, Enhancing support for foreign residents / Expanding foreign community engagement / Creating an environment for global city, Developing educational infrastructure based on advanced technology / Strengthening the foundation for cultivating global talent / Developing an English-Speaking City and Adancing to a Mutilingual Education Center
					Eatablishing an AI-Based Management System : Effective Management of Resources(Strategic Management of Organization and Human Resources, Establishing an Efficient Financial Management System), Building an ESG Management System(Developing an Eco-Friendly Management System, Enhancing Social Responsibility and Fiar Management), Creating a Collaborative Culture between AI and Humans(Improving Competitiveness through Work and Culture Innovation, Instiling a Creative Oraganizational Culture Based on Trust and Collaboration)