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시민과 함께 세계로 뻗어가는 '글로벌도시 평택' 구현

Expand to the world with citizens to become 'Global City Pyeongtaek'

  • Major Projects
  • ROK-US Friendship
  • ROK-US Friendship Support Contest

Major Projects

ROK-US Friendship

ROK-US Friendship Support Contest
ROK-US Friendship Support Contest photo 1
ROK-US Friendship Support Contest photo 2
  • Schedule
  • March-December
  • Participants
  • ROK-US Friendship Support Contest: Private organizations that operate programs that support USFK (families) and enhance the ROK-US friendship
  • Korean-American Club: Pyeongtaek citizens & USFK families·Program Information
  • Program Information
    • ROK-US Friendship Support Contest: Provide financial support and other means of assistance to private organizations that offer programs for USFK families
    • Korean-American Club: Koreans and Americans interact through shared interests
  • Inquiry
  • ROK-US Programs Team 2: 031-661-2353