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시민과 함께 세계로 뻗어가는 '글로벌도시 평택' 구현

Expand to the world with citizens to become 'Global City Pyeongtaek'

  • Major Projects
  • Strengthen in Language
  • English Enrichment Adventure Program

Major Projects

Strengthen in Language

English Enrichment Adventure Program
English Enrichment Adventure Program 1
English Enrichment Adventure Program 2
English Enrichment Adventure Program 3
English Enrichment Adventure Program 4
  • Schedule
  • January-December
  • Participants
  • Kindergarteners, elementary and middle school students, and Pyeongtaek citizens
  • Program Information
    • One-day education: Providing a new English education environment through creative experience activities
    • Vacation Camp: Week-long experiential learning programs during school holidays (winter and summer)
    • Activity Booth: English experience booth with native speakers
  • Inquiry
  • One-day education Education Team: 070-4689-8371
    Vacation Camp Education Team: 070-4689-8382
    Activity Booth Education Team: 070-4689-8373